2018 Amplify Writing Conference

June 8-9, 2018 · Orlando, Florida

Day 1: Friday, June 8th
9:00-9:30am Welcome and Check-In
9:30-10:15am General Session
Write! Publish! Leave a Legacy in Print Dr. Larry Keefauver
10:15-11:00am General Session
Don’t Just Speak It, Write It! How You Can Write a Great Christian Book Don Newman
11:00-11:15am Break
11:15-12:00pm General Session
Navigating the Journey of Writing a Book Dana Rosser
12:30-1:15pm Lunch
1:30-2:15pm Breakout Sessions
Big Beginnings: How to Write an Introduction That Will Hook Your Reader​ Eli Gonzalez
Overcoming Obstacles, Distractions, and Excuses Peter Lopez
The Mechanics: Book Structure and Editing Michelle Johnston
One-On-One Author Coaching
2:15-2:30am Break
2:30-3:15pm Breakout Sessions
Big Beginnings: How to Write an Introduction That Will Hook Your Reader Eli Gonzalez
Overcoming Obstacles, Distractions, and Excuses Peter Lopez
The Mechanics: Book Structure and Editing Michelle Johnston
One-On-One Author Coaching
3:30-4:30pm General Session
FAQs with Our Panel of Experts
6:30-8:30pm Evening One-on-One Coaching Sessions After Dinner